The Home Doctor Guide is a medical reference book researched and written by three Texan and Venezuelan physicians. This is a 304-page guide that offers all the knowledge you need to address health emergencies at home. The guide was developed to help anyone handle medical emergencies in Venezuela after the economy crumbled, the country ran out of water and power, and pharmacies and hospitals had no medical supplies, antibiotics, or analgesics.
Fortunately, the physicians have written coping mechanisms to address such circumstances, which this guide shares. According to the creator, the Home Doctor Guide comes in physical and digital formats. The manual provides medical strategies, treatments, and step-by-step instructions to handle common health crises and issues at home. It also teaches people to remain calm while waiting for an ambulance.
Many nations have researched and adopted the approaches used by Venezuelans. These physicians developed these techniques to attend to patients without using essential medical resources. Therefore, the guide provides affordable alternative treatments that do not require supplies. Most of the processes shared are meant for self-application.
The Home Doctor strategies are intended to be most useful when medical supplies and doctors are unavailable. These strategies are helpful in countries with hunger, inadequate sanitation, insufficient hygiene, and poverty. However, people can use the strategy to lower the expense of addressing minor ailments. Even developing countries’ populations cannot rely on their healthcare system due to prolonged blackouts, economic breakdowns, calamities, storms, and riots.
The book is a comprehensive guide focusing on the typical drugs people require to treat various ailments. It enlightens people about essential medical items they must keep in their homes. The Home Doctor handbook also shares signs and symptoms of conditions like heart attack and critical steps to follow before you call for an ambulance. The book shares a comprehensive list of emergency procedures you can apply at home during a crisis.
Moreover, the guide shares a list of analgesics, antibiotics, and over-the-counter medications you should have at home. It also describes the adverse effects and risks of using expired drugs. The Home Doctor Guide is full of DIY health treatments and home cures that you can use without medical aid.
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Who is behind the Home Doctor Guide Book?
The Home Doctor Guide was researched and written by three physicians: Dr. Maybell Nieves, Dr. Rodrigo Alterio, and Claude Davis. Dr Maybell is a front-line doctor based in Caracas, Venezuela, while Dr Rodrigo is a doctor who served and helped natives in the deep Amazon, a region with no pharmacies and doctors.
On the other hand, Claude Davis is a history expert who used the most forgotten survival knowledge applied by great-grandparents to address issues in his life. The three experts saw the need to empower households to enable people to handle health concerns when there are no doctors or an adequate supply of medical supplies.
About Dr. Maybell Nieves
Dr. Maybell Nieves is the chief surgeon at the Breast Pathology Unit and a general surgeon at Caracas University Hospital in Venezuela. With over a decade of experience in the operating room, she received her education at the esteemed European Institute of Oncology in Milan, Italy.
Dr Maybell gained recognition for developing innovative approaches to patient care amidst Venezuela’s economic crisis. The crisis was marked by shortages of medications, supplies, and essential utilities like electricity and running water.
Her groundbreaking techniques have been adopted in conflict-ridden areas worldwide. Many of these strategies and procedures are designed for self-administration, proving invaluable when reliance on the medical system is uncertain, such as during prolonged power outages.
The significance of these methods becomes evident upon review, underscoring their relevance for every household and family. As mentioned above, she collaborated on a book with Dr. Rodrigo Alterio and Claude Davis, further disseminating her expertise.
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A Glimpse of the Home Doctor Guide
The Home Doctor book is an exceptional resource for individuals without medical expertise, offering guidance for situations when professional help may not be readily available. It also provides techniques for addressing minor health issues that don’t require a doctor’s visit. Let’s highlight a few of the valuable insights you’ll discover in the Home Doctor:
10 Medical Supplies You Should Have in Your Home
The Home Doctor shares generally affordable items that should be accessible to everyone but tend to deplete quickly.
It’s important to note that many of the medical supplies and medications we rely on are sourced from India and China. This supply chain faces the risk of disruptions, such as those caused by an electromagnetic pulse (EMP).
Among the recommended ten supplies to acquire beforehand is an over-the-counter pain reliever called Naproxen. The pain reliever is notably more potent than alternatives like ibuprofen.
The Biggest Mistakes You Can Make in Blackout
In Venezuela, access to electricity has become infrequent and uncertain. It’s not consistently available, and power outages have become a regular occurrence in everyday life.
Within the pages of the Home Doctor, you’ll also discover crucial information about the most significant medical errors one can make during a blackout. Additionally, you’ll learn how to handle vital medications, such as insulin or Humira, which require refrigeration.
Adverse Effects and Risks of Taking Expired Medications
Venezuela stands out as a country that has had to rely heavily on expired medication after the crumble of the economy. Dr. Maybell and her colleagues gained first hand experience in witnessing an intriguing fact: most medications stored in your medicine cabinet remain effective for years beyond their labeled expiration dates.
This chapter will guide you on which medications remain safe post-expiration and which should be discarded. Therefore, giving this section your full attention is essential before discarding what you might consider “expired” medication.
Signs of Heart Attack and How to Address It
Observe these four distinct signs:
- First, a feeling of discomfort in the chest, characterized by a sensation of pressure, tightness, fullness, or pain in the center of the chest lasting for more than a few minutes.
- The second symptom involves experiencing discomfort or pain in either one or both arms, along with sensations in the back, neck, jaw, or stomach.
- The third symptom manifests as difficulty in breathing.
- Lastly, be attentive to signs like sudden sweating, dizziness, and feelings of nausea.
While these symptoms may not all appear simultaneously, if you notice even one or two, you need to call 911. Additionally, consider swallowing an aspirin and administering a vial of nitroglycerin beneath your tongue to enhance your chances of a positive outcome before the ambulance arrives. However, having these two items readily available at home in advance is crucial.
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4 Antibiotics People Stockpile
According to research, modern antibiotics play a crucial role in preserving lives. They prevent simple ailments like a cold from escalating into potentially fatal conditions like pneumonia and minor infections from becoming life-threatening.
The authors have chosen to accumulate four distinct antibiotics precisely for this reason. They also guide you in getting them legally and without a prescription.
These antibiotics feature unique compounds with diverse mechanisms of action. This means that while it’s possible to encounter bacteria resistant to one of them, the likelihood of them being immune to all four is quite slim.
In times of scarcity, antibiotics become invaluable. Keeping these four on hand for you and your family is almost as important as maintaining a stockpile of food. However, you must avoid using them without seeking advice from a medical professional first.
Best Way to Stockpile Prescription Medicines
The author demonstrates how to manage the shortage of essential medications like insulin, which specific individuals require daily. One of her friends in Texas has discovered a legitimate and secure solution, enabling him to acquire his required daily insulin supply and even set aside extra for emergencies.
This resourceful approach is entirely within the bounds of the law and ensures safety. You can begin implementing it right away, not only for insulin but also for other medications known to be challenging to stockpile.
The Best Natural Pain Relievers That Are Readily Available in your Backyard
You’ll also learn about the most effective natural pain reliever, which will likely thrive in your outdoor space. This pain-alleviating plant became a go-to option for many in Venezuela when they could no longer find relief at the pharmacy. Fortunately, it can be found growing abundantly across North America.
Signs of Stroke and What to do immediately
In the case of a stroke, swift action is crucial, and every moment is significant. Acting promptly can often lead to a full recovery.
Unfortunately, some individuals may end up with partial paralysis or even more severe consequences if not attended to swiftly. Within The Home Doctor, the author illustrates the quickest method to identify a stroke and the one crucial step you must take immediately to enhance your chances of a positive outcome.
Pricing for The Home Doctor Guide
The Home Doctor Guide is available in both physical and digital options. You can place your order on the official website by choosing either of the two pricing options.
- Physical & Digital Book: Available at $37 plus a $9.99 shipping and handling fee.
- Digital Book: Available at $37.00
Bonus #1: Wild Edibles You Can Find In Your Backyard
The guide shares that life-preserving herbs that Venezuelans consumed when purchasing food from the market were beyond their means. These plants are abundant throughout North America; some might flourish around your backyard. With this added resource, you’ll be equipped to recognize wild, edible plants and make the most out of the natural herbs in your backyard.
Bonus #2: Natural Healing Secrets of Native Americans
This resource lists potent natural remedies that Native Americans used long before modern medicine. In the future, these plants may become as valuable as gold. Equipped with this knowledge, you’ll never run out of medication.
These medicinal plants are still readily available in America. All that is required is the skill to accurately identify and transform them into the remedies that have sustained people for centuries.
The Home Doctor offers a 60-day money-back guarantee, allowing you to try the shared strategies and techniques without risk. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with the handbook, you can contact the creator within 60 days for a full refund by sending an e-mail to:
Final Word
In conclusion, the Home Doctor Guide is a comprehensive medical reference book authored by Texan and Venezuelan physicians. It equips readers to handle health emergencies at home, especially in crises like those experienced in Venezuela. The guide covers essential medical supplies, natural remedies, and emergency procedures, making it invaluable. With a 60-day money-back guarantee, readers can explore The Home Doctor guide’s wealth of information.