
Forecasts & Strategies: The Big Short Circuit Review – Can It Improve Your Investment Strategy?

Dr. Mark Skousen and his team at Eagle Financial Publications have launched a new promotional campaign for Forecasts & Strategies.

As part of a 2024 promotion, all new subscriptions to Forecasts & Strategies come with a bundle of bonus reports uncovering the truth behind electric vehicles – including why Dr. Skousen believes the EV industry is on the verge of a “big short circuit.”

In our review, find out everything you need to know about Forecasts & Strategies and “The Big Short Circuit” today.

What are Forecasts & Strategies?

Forecasts & Strategies is a monthly financial newsletter led by Dr. Mark Skousen.

Backed by 40+ years of investing experience, Dr. Skousen shares unique market insight, stock recommendations, and money protection strategies monthly with subscribers.

Dr. Skousen is known for creating “The Flying Five,” a portfolio that takes just 5 minutes a year to manage and has beaten the market for a decade.

Today, with Forecasts & Strategies, Dr. Skousen, Roger Michalski, and the team at Eagle Financial Publications aim to continue sharing informed insight with investors to help them make better decisions in today’s markets.

As part of a 2024 promotion, Forecasts & Strategies is priced at just $77 for your first year. Plus, all new subscriptions come with a bundle of bonus reports and guides – including a bundle of three bonus reports with 10 specific moves to prepare for an upcoming collapse in the EV market.

Prepare for the EV crash! Subscribe to Forecasts & Strategies for exclusive insights

Forecasts & Strategies Benefits

Some of the benefits of Forecasts & Strategies include:

  • Led by legendary investor Dr. Mark Skousen
  • New subscriptions come with a bundle of bonus reports and guides
  • Monthly stock recommendations, market analysis, and more
  • Discover how to play the revolt against electric vehicles
  • Priced at just $77 for your first year
  • Backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee

What Will You Learn in Forecasts & Strategies?

The main goal of Forecasts & Strategies is to help investors make informed decisions about future market movements.

While other newsletters focus on “get rich quick” style stock tips, Forecasts & Strategies takes a different approach: the goal is to provide a “big picture” look at markets, making it easier for investors to make smarter, long-term decisions.

Dr. Mark Skousen and Roger Michalski share new investment ideas and market analyses with subscribers each month. Here’s how the duo describe the monthly newsletter:

“…we track the most significant developments in politics, economics, and finance – both in America and around the world. Then our elite team of investing and trading experts make recommendations to our readers on how to profit from those events in the stock market.”

Eagle Financial Publications carefully explains that nothing is certain and nobody guarantees results. However, backed by 40+ years of investing expertise, Eagle is confident they can help investors make smarter decisions:

  • “We’ve been doing this since 2001, and our track record speaks for itself.”

Over the years, some of Forecasts & Strategies’ stock recommendations have led to 1,600% short-term gains, and many others have delivered triple-digit or quadruple-digit gains.

All subscriptions include access to four model portfolios, weekly trade alerts, and updates. Those four model portfolios help you track Dr. Skousen’s results over time.

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What is “The Big Short Circuit?”

Electric vehicles have been one of the trendiest investing areas of the last decade.

However, the Forecasts & Strategies team believes markets may be turning against electric vehicles. It’s part of a phenomenon called “The Big Short Circuit.”


According to Dr. Skousen, “all is not well in electric vehicle fantasy land.” Instead, the investing world is suddenly shifting its approach to EVs. That represents huge risk—and huge opportunities—for investors.

Fortunately, Dr. Skousen wants to help. By subscribing to Forecasts & Strategies today, you can discover 10 specific moves to make – including five stocks to buy insulated from the EV crash and five stocks to sell before the EV crash impacts them.

Why is the EV Industry in Trouble?

Dr. Skousen believes the electric vehicle industry is in big trouble.

Here are some of the facts Dr. Skousen uses to back up his assertion:

The worldwide automotive industry is the world’s biggest business. Global auto manufacturing and sales are expected to top over $6.4 trillion in revenue by the end of 2024 – more than big pharma, oil and gas, and other big industries.

For years, investors have assumed the world is moving towards EVs. Governments worldwide have announced plans to produce electric vehicles exclusively from a certain target date forward, for example.

Dr. Skousen, however, argues that the real outlook for EV vehicles “is far from rosy in the real world.” While media outlets praise EVs as the future of the automotive industry, Dr. Skousen claims it’s all part of a big short circuit.

Dr. Skousen is so confident, in fact, that he recommends making 10 specific moves to exit the collapsing EV market and take advantage of other areas of growth.

As proof, Dr. Skousen claims electric vehicles aren’t as green as people think. He criticizes EV battery production, for example, as being energy-intensive and wasteful. He also claims that too many EVs on the road will increase the electricity demand.

By subscribing to Forecasts & Strategies today, you get instant access to the EV Revolt Profit Dossier report. In that guide, Dr. Skousen recommends 10 specific moves to make as the EV industry short circuits.

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What is the EV Revolt Profit Dossier?

In the EV Revolt Profit Dossier, Dr. Skousen outlines his theory involving the upcoming collapse of the EV market. The dossier includes three reports covering 10 specific money moves to make before the forthcoming market EV collapse.

According to Dr. Skousen, the electric vehicle market will “short circuit” in the near future regardless of who becomes President of the United States.

Fortunately, this collapse is good news for investors. By taking action today, investors could profit from the upcoming EV collapse.

The EV Revolt Profit Dossier includes three separate guides, including:

  • The Two Best “EV Proof” Vehicle Stocks on the Planet
  • Three Urgent “EV Revolt” Stocks to Buy Now
  • Five Stocks to Avoid Like a Hot Wire in Today’s Vehicle Market

Dr. Skousen recommends taking ten steps before the upcoming EV industry shift in the EV Revolt Profit Dossier, which is included for free with all new subscriptions to Forecasts & Strategies.

Here’s what you’ll learn in the three EV Revolt Profit Dossier reports:

  • Dr. Skousen predicts consumers in the United States and other industrialized nations will revolt against electric vehicles in the near future.
  • Dr. Skousen believes this revolt will occur regardless of who becomes President of the United States.
  • Consumers are sick of being told what to buy by environmentally conscious politicians. Many of these politicians have promised a world free of gas vehicles by a certain date—say, 2030. Some believe EV dominance is a foregone conclusion because of these promises. Dr. Skousen believes otherwise.
  • In the EV Revolt Profit Dossier, you can discover 10 specific moves Dr. Skousen recommends to take advantage of this shift, including stocks to buy and sell to prepare for the collapse.

Those 10 specific moves include buying 2 EV-proof vehicle stocks, buying 3 urgent EV revolt stocks, and avoiding 5 additional EV stocks. Buying these five stocks and selling five others could protect and potentially grow your portfolio during the upcoming EV collapse.

Beat the EV market collapse with expert guidance! Subscribe to Forecasts & Strategies

Why Will Americans Revolt Against Electric Vehicles?

Dr. Skousen’s investment thesis is based on the idea that Americans will soon revolt against electric vehicles in the near future.

In fact, Dr. Skousen claims consumers in the United States and worldwide will resist rising EV promotions and buy traditional gas-using vehicles instead.

Some of the facts Dr. Skousen uses to validate his claim include:

  • EVs cost more than gas cars. According to Dr. Skousen, the average EV costs $58,000, while the average gas car costs $33,000.
  • According to Dr. Skousen, EVs “have 80% more problems and reliability issues” than gas vehicles.
  • EVs make it difficult to tow, haul, or go on road trips.
  • EVs lose 36% of their range in cold weather and winter conditions.
  • EVs increase the tax burden on everyday Americans by around $50,000 per vehicle.

Consumer studies back up this collapse. According to a recent Gallup poll, only 1 in 8 Americans are considering a new EV. 40% of Americans claim they would not buy an EV. EV prices have fallen 25% to 40% in the past year due to falling demand – even as vehicle prices overall have remained stable.

Dr. Skousen cites layoffs at Tesla, reductions in EV production at Ford and GM, and missed sales targets for Rivian, Fisker, Polestar, and Lucid as further proof.

Who is Dr. Mark Skousen?

Dr. Mark Skousen, an investor with 40+ years of experience, leads forecasts & Strategies.

His official website describes him as “one of the top 20 living economists.” Dr. Skousen has published 25 books on finance, economics, and history. He’s taught at Ivy League colleges and consulted for the CIA, IBM, and Fortune 500 firms.

Dr. Skousen also claims to have predicted some of the biggest market moves of the last 40+ years. He predicted the 1987 stock market crash six weeks in advance, for example, along with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union. He predicted the housing crisis in 2008 and called the bottom of the market in 2009. He even claims to have predicted the “black swan” pandemic event of 2020 and the ensuing bull market – something many forecasters didn’t see.

Over the last few decades, Dr. Skousen has made a name for publishing Forecasts & Strategies and other investing newsletters.

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What Are The Two Best “EV Proof” Vehicle Stocks on the Planet?

Dr. Skousen believes the EV market will collapse in the near future because of the factors mentioned above.


Fortunately, Dr. Skousen has identified the two best vehicle stocks on the planet that are immune to this drop in EV demand to help investors.

By subscribing to Forecasts & Strategies today, you get immediate access to a report called The Two Best “EV Proof” Vehicle Stocks on the Planet. Here’s what you’ll learn in that report:

  • The names and ticker symbols of two companies with a high level of immunity from threats to EV technology.
  • Why Dr. Skousen believes these companies are immune from EVs.
  • The two EV-proof vehicle stocks include a heavy equipment manufacturer and a separate agriculture and industrial vehicle manufacturer:

EV Proof Vehicle Stock #1: Truck & Heavy Equipment Manufacturer with Worldwide Presence

The first company, identified by Dr. Mark Skousen, created long-haul trucks, such as “big rigs” and “18 wheelers.”

They’re not closely involved in the EV space. Dr. Skousen believes EV trucks will never fully replace these vehicles. They don’t have the capacity for long-distance driving, and battery technology needs to improve significantly before it can replace these vehicles. Meanwhile, America and other countries continue to demand these trucks for shipping. Long-haul trucking is expected to grow at a rate of 10.7% per year from 2024 to 2032.

That company creates more than just big rigs; they also create emergency vehicles, RVs, motorhomes, dump trucks, and heavy duty equipment. Plus, they have manufacturing facilities across the United States, Europe, and Asia and a large international presence overall.

Dr. Skousen believes investors who buy shares of the company today could experience gains of “over 250% in the next several years.”

EV Proof Vehicle Stock #2: Agriculture & Industrial Equipment Manufacturer

The second EV-proof company, identified by Dr. Mark Skousen, creates large vehicles and heavy-duty equipment for multiple industries, including agriculture, mining, oil and gas, and defense.

That company is involved with everything from heavy industrial equipment to specialized electronics.

Many of the world’s largest businesses rely on this company for everyday operations – yet 99% of investors are unaware of the company’s impact.

Because the company is heavily diversified, Dr. Skousen believes it’s insulated from the upcoming EV revolt. Its diverse lines of business cover many countries and industries, helping to protect it regardless of what happens next in the EV space.

The company’s stock has already risen 2,073%, at points, over the last 15 years, or 138% per year. Dr. Skousen believes it could continue growing in the future.

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What Are the Three Urgent “EV Revolt” Stocks to Buy Now?

Investors also receive immediate access to a second bonus report called Three Urgent “EV Revolt” Stocks to Buy Now.


In that report, Dr. Skousen highlights three additional companies that he urges investors to buy now as the EV conflict escalates.

Those three companies include:

Urgent EV Revolt Stock #1: A Pure Vehicle Play: Dr. Skousen recommended a notable vehicle company several months ago, which has risen 20% since then. However, Dr. Skousen still sees the stock as a “screaming bargain.” It’s the only pure vehicle play he recommends making in today’s market. He believes the company could soon overtake Tesla as the world’s most valuable car company. They pioneered a unique propulsion technology called HSD.

Urgent EV Revolt Stock #2: A Midstream Oil & Gas Company: Dr. Skousen is a big fan of “midstream” oil and gas companies. He sees midstream producers as being less volatile than others. Plus, they tend to pay big dividends. Dr. Skousen’s second and third recommended EV revolt stocks both pay dividends of around 6%.

Urgent EV Revolt Stock #3: Another Midstream Oil & Gas Company: The third recommended stock is another midstream oil and gas company paying a dividend of around 6%. While some believe we’ve already hit peak oil, Dr. Skousen believes there’s still plenty of money for investors to make in oil and gas.

What Are the Five Stocks to Avoid Like a Hot Wire in Today’s Vehicle Market?

In the third and final bonus report bundled with Forecasts & Strategies, Dr. Skousen highlights five more stocks he recommends avoiding in today’s risky EV climate.

In the report, you’ll learn:

  • 5 specific companies Dr. Skousen recommends avoiding because of today’s risky electric vehicle investing climate.
  • Why Dr. Skousen claims investors “should not even consider buying” these stocks in current market conditions.
  • How some of these stocks are promoted by major media, big name politicians, and Elon Musk. They’re promoted as the future of electric vehicles – and Dr. Skousen claims it’s all marketing hype. In fact, he compares it to “3D TVs” and other media-fuelled fads that never panned out.
  • Why Dr. Skousen advocates against buying these companies – including the specific facts he uses to justify avoiding these companies like a “hot wire.”

Get ahead of the curve! Learn the 5 stocks to buy and 5 to avoid with Forecasts & Strategies

What’s Included with Forecasts & Strategies?

As part of a 2024 promotion, all new subscriptions to Forecasts & Strategies include a bundle of bonus reports—including the reports above—along with the usual membership perks.

Here’s what you get when you subscribe to Forecasts & Strategies today:

  • Monthly Issues of Forecasts & Strategies: Running for 40+ years, Forecasts & Strategies is a popular and longstanding investing newsletter that has helped investors make informed decisions across all types of market conditions. Today, the newsletter is led by Dr. Mark Skousen. Each month, investors receive new insight into market movements, stock recommendations, macro and microanalysis, and more.
  • Four Model Portfolios: Forecasts & Strategies comes with access to four model portfolios, allowing you to track different recommendations over time and how they’ve performed. Each model portfolio lists the entry point of a particular stock, making it easy to check performance. You can buy the stocks in the model portfolio to make similar returns to Dr. Skousen and other Forecasts & Strategies investors.
  • Regular Model Portfolio Reviews & Updates: Dr. Skousen publishes portfolio updates with each issue of Forecasts & Strategies, including any notable changes across the four model portfolios. If he recommends exiting a position or adding to it, for example, he may mention it in a monthly report.
  • Trade Hotlines & Alerts: If Dr. Skousen spots a significant market change affecting companies in the Forecasts & Strategies model portfolio, he may send a “hotline” alert to subscribers. You can take action without waiting for a monthly issue of Forecasts & Strategies.
  • Live Conference Calls: All Forecasts & Strategies subscribers can “experience Mark’s unique financial ingenuity in real time” with a live conference call. During the live conference call, investors can hear Dr. Skousen’s stock recommendations, trade alerts, and market analysis. Although Mark can’t answer specific individual investment questions, he can answer general “macro” questions.
  • Access to 24/7 Members-Only Portal: Your subscription includes a unique password to access the Forecasts & Strategies members-only portal. That portal allows you to check the latest issues in Forecasts & Strategies, access bonus guides, view model portfolios, and utilize other membership perks.
  • Forecasts & Strategies Quick Start Guide: Get instant insight into Dr. Mark Skousen’s investment philosophy and how it works in the Forecasts & Strategies Quick Start Guide. The book is filled with plain language and graphics to help you get up-to-date on the Forecasts & Strategies investment philosophy.
  • EV Revolt Profit Dossier Report #1: The Two Best “EV Proof” Vehicle Stocks on the Planet: Dr. Skousen has identified two vehicle companies with limited connection to electric vehicles. One is a big rig truck manufacturer, while the other is an industrial and agricultural equipment manufacturer. You get both companies’ names and ticker symbols in this bonus report.
  • EV Revolt Profit Dossier Report #2: Three Urgent “EV Revolt” Stocks to Buy Now: Mark believes a revolt against EVs is coming. He recommends buying three specific stocks to prepare for that revolt. The first is a pure vehicle company that could overcome Tesla to become the world’s largest automaker. The next two are midstream oil and gas companies paying a dividend of around 6%.
  • EV Revolt Profit Dossier Report #3: Five Stocks to Avoid Like a Hot Wire in Today’s Vehicle Market: The final report in the EV Revolt Profit Dossier features five stocks you should not buy before the upcoming EV revolt. These stocks are hyped and popular, but they pose a significant risk if there’s a downturn against electric vehicles – as Dr. Skousen predicts.
  • Free Bonus Report #1: The One Gold Stock Every Investor Should Own: In this report, you can discover the name and ticker symbol of Dr. Skousen’s favorite gold stock.
  • Free Bonus Report #2: The Future of Power: Mark’s #1 Stock for the New Energy Renaissance: The world needs energy. In this report, you can discover one energy company that, according to Dr. Skousen, could lead the way.
  • Free Bonus Report #3: How to Profit from Changing Interest Rates: As interest rates fluctuate, smart investors make moves to take advantage. In this report, Dr. Skousen explains how he would recommend taking advantage of changing interest rates.

Don’t miss Dr. Skousen’s market predictions! Subscribe to Forecasts & Strategies now

Forecasts & Strategies Pricing

Forecasts & Strategies is normally priced at $249 for a platinum subscription. As part of a 2024 promotion, however, you can pay just $77 for that subscription.

Here’s how pricing works across all three Forecasts & Strategies membership tiers:

Gold Subscription ($49.95)

  • Basic, web-only subscription to Forecasts & Strategies
  • No bonus reports

Platinum Subscription ($77)

  • Full-year subscription to Forecasts & Strategies
  • Typically priced at $249
  • Includes six bonus reports, including the EV Revolt Profit Dossier (3 bonus reports) and 3 additional bonus reports

Diamond Elite Subscription ($149)

  • Includes everything in Gold & Platinum subscription
  • Includes 1 additional bonus report, Super Dividend Stocks: 3 Ways to Make Money 3X Faster
  • All subscriptions automatically renew at the prevailing rate one year from today.

Forecasts & Strategies Refund Policy

Forecasts & Strategies comes with a 30-day trial period. You can try Forecasts & Strategies for 30 days and read all of the bonus reports bundled with your subscription. If you’re unhappy, contact Eagle Financial Publications within 30 days to receive a full refund. Plus, you can keep any bonus reports as a thank-you for trying the subscription.

Maximize your investments! Subscribe to Forecasts & Strategies for exclusive insights.

About Eagle Financial Publications

Eagle Financial Publications is a US-based publishing company formed as a collective between 12 of the country’s leading investing minds.

In addition to Dr. Mark Skousen, Eagle Financial Publications works with Jim Woods, Bryan Perry, Bob Carlson, George Gilder, and other notable names to publish various newsletters online.

Eagle Financial Publications is part of Salem Media Group, an Arlington, Virginia-based company. However, Eagle Financial Publications itself is based in the heart of Washington, DC.

You can contact Eagle Financial Publications and the company’s customer service team via the following:

  • Email: cs@eaglefinancialpublications.com
  • Phone: 1-888-219-4747
  • Mailing Address: 1735 N Lynn St, Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22209-2016

Final Word

Dr. Mark Skousen and the team at Eagle Financial Publications are warning of an upcoming collapse in the electric vehicle market.

By subscribing to Forecasts & Strategies today, you can discover 10 specific money moves you can make – including 5 stocks to buy and 5 stocks to sell – to prepare for the upcoming collapse.

To learn more about Forecasts & Strategies or to subscribe to the monthly financial newsletter today, visit the official website.


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