“Gretyl Pruss, 14, forward for the Premier I Whidbey Islanders, received the Girls Under-15 “Most Valuable Player” award when she turned in an impressive 10-goal scoring effort during the team’s four-game series at the Copa Seattle Challenge Soccer Tournament held in Redmond earlier this month.“Gretyl’s selection as MVP was even more impressive considering the Islanders did not make it to the final championship game where MVP’s are usually decided,” Islanders coach Carol Bartlelson said. “It is very unusual to go into a tournament and have one person score that many goals.”The Islanders defeated the Lake Washington Illusion 3-1 and the Yakima Strikers 4-0 in the 10-team tournament before playing to a draw against the Snohomish United with a score of 3-3. The team failed to make it to the championship game when they lost to Tri-Cities/3-Rivers team 4-1.In more recent play, the Islanders tied all three of their games at the Rimland Tournament in Bellingham. The team played the Kitsap Lightening to a 2-2 tie, and knotted up 3-3 against the Spokane Shadow. The Islanders held the Tri-Cities/3-Rivers team, who beat them in the Redmond tournament, to two goals and tied them as well, 2-2.“It was very exciting to come back so strongly this week against the Tri-Cities team, one of the top teams in the state, after last weeks loss to them,” Bartelson said.Hazel Sapida, Jen White, Kaylea Kingma and Tina Nichols all contributed goals in the two tournaments and Allison Riggs played goalkeeper in all games. “
Pruss named MVP
Girls Under-15 teams plays well.